Waiheke Island

Lazing around at the Jumeirah Beach here in Dubai reminded me of Waiheke Island, near Auckland, probably one of the best beaches I have ever been to, so here are some of the pictures of the lesser known Waiheke Island.


Waiheke is just a 35 minute ferry ride (under 50$) from downtown Auckland and is best explored on a cycle, which can be rented for 25$ for the entire day, although you’d need to be in decent shape to cycle around the many slopes. But if you can, its a beautiful place to cycle around with the many beaches and the deserted roads. You won’t come across too many people, as most of the locals work in Auckland. The ones you do come across are really friendly, helpful and mainly European. Waiheke is popular for its Wine and Sail tours which you can sign up for when you’re buying the ferry ticket.

Its one of those beaches where you can sit down on the sand after a nice ride and stare across the vast expanse of the ocean, sipping on some chilled beer, feeling completely isolated and just be there, listening to the sound of the waves.

My photographs aren’t the best and can’t do justice to this gorgeous island and like all things amazing, can only be experienced.

You can visit http://www.waiheke.co.nz/scenic.php for a more pictures and detailed information about the place.












6 thoughts on “Waiheke Island

    • Well NZ is beautiful …has everything mountains, beaches, adventure sports. You should def visit. Thanks for dropping by.


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